Brian Charles Hewitt
Private First Class
B CO, 1ST BN, 3RD MARINES, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps Mayo, Florida August 17, 1948 to May 10, 1967 BRIAN C HEWITT is on the Wall at Panel 19E, Line 82 See the full profile or name rubbing for Brian Hewitt |
Not a day goes by you are not in my thoughts. You are the best brother a girl could have. Thanks for the help when Charlie was ill. I know it sounds corny but I could feel you with me all the way.
Dot Hewitt Crane
Happy Birthday! Today is 5 years for Charlie and he is still with us ... Thank you for being my big brother and getting me through that day 5 years ago.
All my love, 10 May 2005 38 years and the tears still flow How I miss you
Love always, Dot
From his sister, Dot Crane dorsygirl@yahoo.com |
My Brother, you are missed very much. 26 Sep 2003
Hi, as you know Daddy passed away on April 6th of 2003, it was sad, he had a good life though. 83 - not bad eh? Mom is fine, and me ... well, we were married on your day ... May 10th 2003 ... David and I had a beautiful wedding as you know, you were right there beside us with daddy and all our other guests from heaven along with David's dad Lee. I have not met him, yet David says I am a lot like his dad. Cool, I will meet him some day when we will all be together again. Save us a spot. We love you and miss you. Tell daddy to keep the beer on ice!!! Love Ya'll, your little sis E'de Hewitt Wilson
06 Jul 2007 Hi,
I just wanted you to know I visit both sites for you. As you already know, I get up early on my days off so I can come visit you. It's quiet, and I can shed my tears for you. The world is a mess as you know, please say extra prayers for us we need all we can get! Maybe some day we can all live in peace and there will be no more wars. Amen. I love you! your baby sis!
Edith Anne Hewitt Wilson ekittygirl9@aol.com |
I knew Brian for only one short year when he and I went to the same high school. We were in a car wreck together in 1965 - we both walked away unhurt. I was in South Vietnam when I heard about Brian. I remember him as one of the most intelligent people I ever met. I think of him often.
From a friend, |
A Note from The Virtual WallBravo Company, 1/3 Marines, lost eleven men in extremely heavy fighting at Hill 110, just north of Que Son, on 10 May 1967. The Marines traditionally hold very high standards for awards for valor in combat, but on this day there was one posthumous Navy Cross and four posthumous Silver Stars:
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