Clifford Damon La Chance
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Holliston, Massachusetts
October 31, 1929 to August 07, 1966
CLIFFORD D LA CHANCE is on the Wall at Panel 9E, Line 109
See the full profile or name rubbing for Clifford La Chance

Clifford D La Chance
armyseal.gif AMAJORG-MACV.png


Clifford Damon La Chance

Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
31 October 1929 - 07 August 1966
Holliston, Massachusetts
Panel 09E Line 109

17 Mar 2003

I'm sorry I never got to meet you.

Your daughter, Marie

30 Mar 2004


From his niece.
E-mail address is not available.

3 May 2004

I am so very proud of my father, he was a man with strong beliefs and incredible courage. I treasure every memory I have, and hold them close to my heart always. Not a day passes that I don't think of this man, he gave me so much in such a short time.

I have been fortunate to meet people over the years who knew my dad. They have shared little stories that have made me smile, and that has meant so much to me. I have shared my memories with my children in hope that they too, will honor this wonderful man's memory.

I will always miss you,dad, and I want you and everyone else to know, that I am a better person today because I was lucky enough to know you, even for a short time.

Love from your daughter,
Melodye LaChance Smith

3 May 2004

Hi, I'm one of Cliff's granddaughters, Melodye's daughter. Melodye was his second daughter. I just wanted to let people know where his grave is and where the square is. He is buried in Holliston, Massachusetts, at Lake Grove cemetery. The square is a traffic square that was dedicated to him. That too is in Holliston. If anyone has questions, comments, or stories please let me know. Thank you.

Grandpa, mom says that you were the best and how much you would have loved us kids. Love you Hannah.

From his granddaughter,
Hannah Smith

4 May 2004

I was born 51 years after you, we share the same birthday.
Guess that's why mom gave me part of your name in mine, and that's ok with me.
I've been told I look alot like you.

You'd be surprised to know that since I can't serve in the military, I am serving as an elected official, merely hoping to have one tenth the amount of courage and integrity you had.

I gave a speech a few years ago about you in front of my entire school, tears flowed, hugs were given and 1000 people who had no idea who my Grandfather, SFC Clifford D. LaChance was, walked away knowing that he gave of himself what none of them could possibly understand.

Wish I had known you, I would've always listened to your stories with wide-eyed enthusiasm and with the utmost respect.

I'm a moral person, I try to use my best judgment and I try to think of others before myself. I know that's hard when I'm sitting here with a shirt and tie as my only uniform, but if there is one thing I have learned in my few years around the block, honor comes in all shapes, sizes, uniforms and careers. I guess I was fortunate to get honor from you, I know you're watching so rest assured, I won't violate the honor you left me.

With the utmost respect, admiration and adoration, I am
Your Grandson,

Representative Paul Clifford Smith
E-mail address is not available.

10 May 2004

I'm sorry we couldn't meet. It's something I've always wanted but could never have. I know if you were still here, you'd be so proud of all your children and grand-children.

Your grand-daughter Katie

Katie Mallahan

1 Jun 2004

I know about the pisatchio nuts and the pranks you pulled on your friends. I know about the fight you had with Jim right before you went out on your last mission. I know you were a hero and a I know about your secret missions. I know you were a drill sargent and they say your voice could be heard over all Vietnam. I know you liked the ladies and I know about your children. I know if you had lived I would want to get to know you. I would want to hear your stories. I know the pain that occurred because you did not come home. And I know you had your reasons. Thank you, Grandpa, for being a hero. Thank you for having the courage to fight.

From your GrandDaughter,
Kristen Marie Mallahan
Goffstown, NH

18 Jun 2006


Thank you for being a good man, a true soldier, and most of all my father.

Keep a true heart, a steadfastness to duty, and be true to your cause, as the stars to a mariner.

Your Son,

From his oldest son,
Mark C. LaChance

07 Sep 2006

I was never able to find the person I looked so much like until I saw your picture. I'm proud to have the compliments when people say I look like you. I'm still so proud of you and every day I still wish I could have had the honor of meeting you. I still believe that you would have been so proud of all of us. All your children and all of your grand-children. Thank you so much for bringing us all into this world.

From his grand-daughter,
Katie Mallahan
Goffstown, NH

15 Nov 2006

To my grandfather who I heard so many wonderful things about.

From his granddaughter,

29 Jan 2007

I've heard many great things about you and I wish I could meet you. Dad said you where a great person and that he loved you very much and missed you.

Love from your grandson,
Travis LaChance

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